Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Hahaha J'pouvais pas vraiment commencer ce post d'une autre façon! Fallait bien un peu de québécois sur mon blog, non? :) Té pas une vraie québécoise si à 5000kms tu manges pas une bonne poutine de temps en temps! Ok, tu dois t'habitué à pas avoir de crottes de fromage mais c'est mieux que rien, croyez-moi :)

Ok, so for the non french speakers: POUTINE TIME! If you are Canadian, you know what it is, have tried this Quebec specialty and of course, loved it :) and for the Spanish people, you have probably tried it at my place and loved it as well. Trust me, it is the perfect comfort food :)

We are going to Montreal for 4 weeks in June and god I am craving one of those (be it at La Banquise, Costco, au casse-croûte Paul et Suzanne sur Gouin or the good old Ashton). Can't wait!

Here is a pic of my Dalton poutine (with ground beef) at Ashton from Sept '09:

Miam! Looks so delicioussssss!!

So, David called his friend up when I told him I was going to make a poutine and told him to come over and try it. Result: He loved it! hehe

The real poutine calls for fresh cheese curds; you can see them on my Ashton poutine above, under the groud beef. It is kinda hard to find these in Spain. I have been working on my cheese curds recipe and it wasn't bad last time. So, in the meantime I use mozza or other stringy cheeses, works well.

I also usually make the gravy myself as it is super easy (a little roux (butter and flour) with broth (homemade or storebought)) but I was being lazy. I also have a ton of poutine sauce mix packs so why not use them? I'll post my roasted chicken and gravy tomorrow and you have a gravy recipe there if you want.

Poutine is such a great meal. You can add chicken, beef, sausage, bacon, peas, turkey... basically anything and it will still be awesome :) Have fun with it!



6 potatoes
150 grs of cheese curds (or any grated cheese if you don't have)
300ml of gravy (homemade or 1/2 pack of sauce mix)

Ok, this is super easy. Potatoes, cheese and gravy. I am really not making any complicated food these days ;)

Peel and slice the potatoes into fries. In a large pan or wok (I like to use it as it doesn't splash while cooking and you can shake it without spilling), heat oil. Use a deep fryer if you have one. When the oil is boiling and almost smoking, add the fries. Cook until golden.

In a sauce pan, heat gravy or sauce mix.

When the fries are done, place them on the plate, add the cheese and pour gravy on top.

That's it! Done!

Hope you all enjoy this little piece of Quebec heaven. Bon appétit :)

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